I am going to show how to shape your abs to get the look you want;
that sleek, slim and aesthetic core & waistline!"
Susan Arruda
6 time Fitness Champion
Just because we sometimes find ourselves in a time crunch, doesn’t mean we can’t make progress on that one bodypart that men and women alike want to see “pop” - our ABS!
When I was pregnant, or just busy as a single mom later on in life with a full time job, juggling relationships and getting a business off the ground, sometimes all I could find time for training was 10 minutes.
It was amazing though, what the difference between going to bed thinking to myself:
“Ugh, I did NOTHING for my fitness today!”
“It was a tough day, but I got SOMETHING in! And SOMETHING is always better than NOTHING when it comes to fitness!
Those 10 minutes gave me a much needed morale boost and kept my core tight and tapered.
Make no mistake, short on time does NOT have to mean short on progress :-)
These workouts are more than just getting the most out of minimum time for maximum results; they contain the basis of my foundational core training teaching! These are the same techniques I built on for decades, through every stage of life, and yes, eventually the championship fitness show stage as well.
Join me, 6 time fitness champion - Susan Arruda as I take you through 10 minute ab workout videos at progressive levels that you can perform anywhere, AND you will become armed with the missing piece; development of the TVA!
If you are just getting back to training, this is also an excellent basic program to increase your abdominal and lower back strength, which is vital in injury prevention. It teaches you how to actively engage your deep core so you can ensure exercise safely.
I will lay out how to use these sessions, either as standalone workouts, or add-ons to your existing training.
The TVA (Transversus Abdominis) is involved in everyday function as well as the interaction and accessing of the four abdominal walls. In short; how to recruit the deepest abdominal muscle layers that simple crunches cannot access, to get to the very “core" of your core.
This is a teaching piece ful of information that will revolutionize your ab training, whether you are new to core training, or unenthusiasticly looking for an edge!
Here, you will put into practice what you learned in the first segment. I'm going to teach you how to access your deepest abdominal muscles and train your abs to be not only strong, but also flat and sleek and to pull inward, as if you're wearing a girdle, so you can avoid that potbelly look we often want to avoid.
Now that you are armed with knowledge and some advanced protocols, workout #1 is the next progression.
It’s time to apply the principles learned and go deep into the abdominal wall. Remember to stay contracted as you have learned and you will undoubtedly feel your abs the next day!
This is a crucial workout! It bridges your first level workout and prepares you for the advanced moves in level three. I increase my queueing here to make sure that you are executing properly! This is the point where most people are feeling stronger in their core and feel they can do more, It’s also the number one way to get injured unless you take it safely and slowly! Don’t rush through these moves!
This is where we bring it all together with the introduction of instability training which adds a whole other dimension to making demands on the core and delivers a heightened challenge, which is where the payoff is!
These more advanced moves will require you to dig deep without sacrificing your form!
It’s always a great idea to add some ab training to your exercise mix and this is a fast and effective go to when you’re tight on time or simply want a fast add on to your existing workout.
In this just released edition, we are going deeper into the core with specialized workouts!
In keeping with my T on T - Tight On Time approach, I am loading this package with never before released bonuses and introductions to advanced techniques…
Fire up your abs with 4 effective exercises to chisel your midsection to the core for ultimate abs! These exercises will work your deepest abdominal muscles for ultra strength and core stability, as well as your obliques in order to sculpt and slim your waistline. The power of repetition is superbly effective in adding to the burn and chisel factor!
Burn, baby, burn! It's time to fire up the abdominals for a carve and chisel effect! You will be performing each exercise for 60 seconds to burn out your total core! Monitor your alignment and push beyond the burn to achieve a superbly strong and sculpted midsection!
...even those who can perform this move,
started at the beginning.
In this video, I will break down this move into manageable working parts for the beginner to start developing the strength needed to accomplish this exercise. The progressions will help you to build the strength you need to establish a solid foundation.
Development of the most innermost abdominal muscle layers, the transversus abdominis (TVA) muscle is crucial for functional movement as well as prevention, and in many cases, elimination of lower back pain since the muscle fibres are also intertwined and connected to the spine in the lower back. The development of the TVA muscle group can also serve to give you a flat belly appearance and is often referred to as a “natural corset muscle.” Focus and contract the working muscles and keep your form right to achieve maximum benefits.
INSTRUCTIONAL- PROGRESSIONS - Hollow Abs To Boat - Dowel Over & Under - Deep Core
The hollow abs movement helps strengthen the muscles that stabilize your lower back during athletic and everyday movements and can also help to improve your posture.
The exercise involves the abs, glutes, hip flexors and lower back, which are all considered part of the core.
I stand behind evey one of my programs with this personal guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, send an email to:
susan@susanarrudafitness.com within 30 days of your order and I will refund you in full.
Reg. Price $110
Includes Everything - No other charges